St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga

Grade 10

School Year 2023 - 2024

Grade 10 - Our Lady of the Assumption.jpg

Grade 10 - Our Lady Fatima.jpg

Grade 10 - Our Lady of Good Counsel.jpg

Grade 10 - Our Lady of Guadalupe.jpg

Grade 10 - Our Lady of Lourdes.jpg

Grade 10 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.jpg

Grade 10 - Our Lady of Peace.jpg

The Vision Statement

St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga Inc. is a Catholic Archdiocesan Educational Community centered in the person and message of Jesus Christ, animated by Gospel values and guided by church teachings and practices.

The Mission Statement

To adopt and implement the Philippine Catholic Schools Standards (PCSS).

My heart is restless until it finds its rest in Thee.

_ St. Augustine